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Developers in Scrum Team: ineffective and not funcitonal

I am part of a small company that has 6 developers and 2 support members. this team has been participating in "Agile" development practices for the past 3 years. The Agile/Scrum method has never been truly adopted. They would simply just use a Backlog to look at everything the team was doing, and use Sprint meetings to update what they been working on for the past day, and what they are working on right now. After not seeing any yield from this methodology I was brought in as Scrum Master to improve the teams cooperation and effectiveness.

So far I have the team now assigning effort to items and measuring approximate work. However, the team seems to still be stuck in their methods of this is my work and I only let you know progress updates. There is a serious lack of team work when approaching backlog items and tasks. Everything that team approaches has a monolithic approach. The idea that this backlog item will only be approached by one developer until it is done. I want to transform this culture that has been so pervasive in this team. What is the best way as the Scrum Master to get this team to work together as developers?

I am sorry if I was not clear enough. If you need any more details I will be happy to give you more information.