We have one large project running at the company where I work as a developer. We have developers from different teams involved (different companies even), testers, analysts and whatnot. This large project has its own scrumScrum board in JiraJIRA.
My own team consists of 2 testers and 1 developer (there used to be 2 of us) and we have our own scrumScrum board. Our sprints run asynchronously to the main project but we do take stories from the main project. Often I will break them down into smaller stories.
Other stories on our backlog are about maintenance: upgrading existing software, removing old software, migrating to new hardware and so on. And some other stories that are not, or only loosely, tied to the main project. I should stress that the maintenance part is linked (often blocks or is blocked by) the stories from the main project.
This setup works but we do have problems because of the replication of stories from the main project's board to our team's board. I hardly ever look at the main project board and the analysts and product owner from the main project never look at ours, this has caused some unpleasant surprises in the past.
My question is: Are we doing something inherently wrong here? If so, what would be a better approach? If not, how to fix the problems from story duplication?