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How can I get my team to value self-organization and self-improvement?

I'm working as a project leader in a team of 5 developers and myself and taking the role of analyst. Within the company, we've been applying the agile principles for several years.

Some of the principles I value most are self-organization and self-improvement, probably because I did work in a strong hierarchical environment before where higher levels were thinking for you.

But my team doesn't seem to be bothered too much about it. They like the way they are working. Missing deadlines, going over budget, poor quality, it is always caused by others, solutions are never searched in the team itself. Retrospectives often lead to endless discussions about blaming others but introspection on our own team-performance is lacking. In bad days I think that my developers are just spoiled kids not remembering how it was in the old "waterfall" times where developers were just code monkeys. But then I sound as an old man, isn't it.

My first reaction is to switch in micro-management mode which I know is probably the worst solution, but are there better ways to encourage my team to be more organized?