Here some examples I pulled this template off and its worked nicely when I've adapted it
User story in front, acceptance criteria at the back
First Example
As a student
User stories title: Student registers
I want to register with on the website
So that I can view and apply for IT jobs
Acceptance Criteria:
Given that the students ID is valid in the system
When the student first enrolled at the campus
Then the student will register with email validation
Second Example
**User stories title: Students edits profile**
I want to edit my profile on the website
So that I can access everything a student user can and apply for jobs
Acceptance Criteria:
Given that the student has registered and logged into the website
When the student validates his account using their email
Then the student will have access to everything a student user can access
Third example
As an employer
User stories title: Employer registers on the website
I want to register on the website
So that I can list job vacancies for students
Acceptance Criterion:
Given that their login details have been given by ****** administrator
When the employer has first contacted **** IT administrator via email or phone
Then they can list job vacancies for students
Fourth Example
User stories title: Employer post jobs on the website
I want to post student job vacancies
So that I can hire one or more students
Acceptance Criterion:
Given that the employer has access to the website
When they want to post a job vacancies
Then the employer can list position details and requirements for the job