Our team has a wide variety of work item types. Some of the work we do is related to projects, some is operational, some we generate internally ourselves.
In order to be reactive to the needs of the business and other teams, we chose Kanban over Scrum.
Some larger projects are still managed in a waterfall manner. This is out of our control.
In these cases we start development and the stories related to the project transition through various states on the board, finally ending up in a UAT/QA column, where they stay before they get released to production at the end of the project. A project may last up to 12 months (or sometimes a bit longer). The result is we end up with a large number of tasks piling up in that column and they all get closed off/moved to Done in one go.
- Do we need to alter our definition of Done to allow us to close these stories to prevent them piling up?
- Do we alter the board, adding a new column to show a status of "Ready to Release". Not sure if this fixes the problem, or just moves it. If this is the answer, should this column be included in the cycle time? The project go-live date is out of our hands.