I am in a group that is insisting the deliverable after MVP be called Phase 1. This is causing a lot of confusion across the program. Is this a common practice? Is there documentation that makes a recommendation on this one way or an other?
EDIT: Let me elaborate a little on the confusion. We have LOTS of meetings and email exchanges that go something like.
Andy: "MVP is going out in two weeks and will have feature X. Feature Y will be implemented in the next phase and will go out in one month."
Bob: "So Feature Y will be in the second phase, right?"
Andy: "No, Feature Y will be in Phase 1."
Bob: "So it's going out in 2 weeks?"
Andy: "No, it's going out in phase 1 in one month"
Bob: "I thought phase one was going out in 2 weeks"
Andy: "No, the first phase is MVP. It's going out in two weeks. The second phase is phase 1."
Andy: "So, phase 1 is the second phase?"
Bob: "Correct"
Andy: "Can't we just call MVP "Phase 1 (MVP)", and the second phase 'Phase 2' so the second phase is Phase 2 and not Phase 1?"
Bob: "No."