[University Project]
I want to adopt as many practices from agile project management as I can for a university project. I've decided that the actual development approach will be based upon an FDD model.
Feature Driven Development - http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/9/99/Fdd_process_diagram.png
I'd like to tie my features to a user story. When I have my two weekly meetings with a supervisor I can talk about which user stories I plan on intergrating on the next iteration, which I've not finished, which need breaking down into smaller tasks etc...
There in lies the problem, I don't have a user. I could "be the user" but I think there would be a conflict of interest seeing as I'm managing and developing the product.
Any suggestions on how to cope with a situation where a particular user hasn't been identified?
For reference, project notes are available at http://imat3451.blogspot.com/