I'm a developer and we started using AGILE last year (October 2011). And, it has been rough to say the least. I was always taught SCRUM was to discuss the following:
- What you did yesterday
- What you are going to do today
- Any issues, challenges or roadblocks that might be in you way (at the moment)
My understanding is that this meeting is for the developers, but product owners should be there to answer any questions that may be directed toward them. Otherwise, this is a meeting to go over developer needs & issues in a manner that is relaxed and for the developers (no one else).
Now here's my issue...
In our version, each developer is required give what is tantamount to some kind of Regimented Status Report. We stand-up and report in the following format:
(a) The Story Number and Name
- Each Task Number in that story that we worked-on
- The Original Time Estimate for the currently discussed task
- The Actual Time Estimate for the currently discussed task
- An explanation of why we were over or under
...and so on.
My Question is:
Is this SCRUM? Heck, is this Agile?