During the planingplanning, our product ownerProduct Owner introduced a bug to the development teamDevelopers and said: "let's, "Let's take this bug and see if we can fix it quickly otherwise. Otherwise, let's put it back toon the backlog"backlog." I have asked what youthe Product Owner mean bytby saying "quickly""quickly," and she said "within 10-15 mins"minutes."
Now I want to understand what is the correct way to handle this kind of bugs because as muchbug. As far as I know, neither in Kanban nor in Scrumban there ishas a way to bring a story or a bug to sprintinto Sprint with time limit andlimits or a way to drop it onsuch an item into the work flow halfway through if it iswill not completebe completed within the frameworks of the specific timeSprint.
P.S. I know about time limited Spikes-limited story spikes, but those are usually research tasks which are not meant for 10-15 mins solutions.