No matter what our current conditions are, it seems like my team is always working 40 hour work-weeks.
Under normal work conditions this would be fine, but as we approach a deadline on a major product, we really should have all members dedicated to staying late to see it finished.
We also offer the ability to log in to their work PC's remotely, so they are able to access them from home or other locations.
I don't want to just set "more hours" a goal since that's not necessarily tied to more success for the company, i.e. they could have just spent 8 hours on a project that should have taken 4.
Still though, as we approach deadlines, it does bother me that more of the team members seem to only be doing the minimum required.
In your experience, what is the best way to get development team members to increase their hours and make them count?
NOTE: I know there is a counter-argument that any work above a 40-hour work week will not be productive. I think that has some merit, but the realities of the industry dictate that sometimes we can not finish everything that needs to get done within that time frame.