I was hired as a project manager / senior programmer to manage an internal group of programmers in a company. I'm responsible for coordinating 12 programmers.
My boss has no programming background, how can I convince him to let go of an ineffective programmer? My boss's argument is that the programmer knows that he is not very good, but because of that he is cheap.
Most of his code must be cleaned up. Today I found code he committed which was filled with difficult-to-understand and outright misspelled content (which would increase cost of maintenance of the code later on):
public static bool isDivisibleBy(this int num, int numnum)
var tmp = (float)num / (float)numnum;
var res = tmp.ToString();
if (res.Contains("."))
return false;
return true;
public static int reminder(this int num, int numnum)
var absNum = Math.Abs(num);
var absNumnum = Math.Abs(numnum);
if (absNum.isDivisibleBy(absNumnum))
return 0;
var tmp = absNum / absNumnum;
var tmp2 = absNum - (absNumnum * tmp);
var tmp3 = tmp - tmp2;
if ((num > 0 && numnum > 0) || (num < 0 && numnum < 0))
return Math.Abs(tmp3);
return Math.Abs(tmp3) * -1;
return 0;