I am working with larger and larger organizations adopting Agile. One discussion recently has kept me thinking about a challenge I hadn't been paying attention to heretofore. That is, how do we create approaches, working agreements, and technologies for knowledge flow across teams? I don't want to push "standards". I do want to make team-level knowledge move outside the team. I'm torn about whether to find a "push" approach (i.e. here is all the latest "stuff" we've seen) or a "pull" approach (i.e. if you are interested, we've collected a lot of information.) Ideas?
I had an idea spring to mind yesterday. Wouldn't it be great to have an internal StackExchange!? Thoughts for or against such an approach within an organization?
I'm still looking for something more specific. If we can't capture persistent knowledge a la StackExchange, what can we do? This can be larger than Agile. I just happen to be most curious about Agile knowledge flow given the sense of pulling emergent practices versus pushing prescriptions.