Current Situation
Small team of 4 developers and 2.2 QAs.
I'm trying to implement work in progress (WIP) limits.
There are currently many (37) Stories waiting for QA (also 22 currently being QA'd, but that's a separate issue).
Of these Stories, some of them are an entirely new application that isn't yet live. Most/all (I haven't checked) have been merged to develop branches but are alone so could always just delete develop and remake it from master. It's possible (though somewhat unlikely) some of them are merged into develop with other work, though.
Now, as per my understanding, as per how WIP limits should work, the team should be focusing on reducing those 'waiting for QA' Stories instead of heaping more Stories into the 'Waiting for QA' by developing more stuff.
Problem is, until now, the team has been working on things without much regard to priorities. So many (~2/3) of the Stories waiting to be QA'd are much lower priority than things that are waiting to be developed.
So... what should be done? I can see these possibilities, but have no idea what is the best approach:
- Ignore the low-priority Stories (and, consequently, reasonable WIP limits) until sometime in the future when they can be addressed.
- Create some other field or column to hide the work until such time as it's relevant.
- Throw away the work and move the Stories back to Ready to Develop.
- Ignore priorities and get the work under WIP limits as soon as possible.
- Some solution I've missed...?