Say there are two people working together. Person 1 has more knowledge and skills than person 2. Say person 2 suggests a way to do things. However person 1 sees a better way to do it. Person 1 explains to person 2 why his way is superiour. Person 1 uses his knowledge and skills to demonstrate that. Person 2 doesn’t understand it because he lacks some background knoweldge and skills. Person 1 starts a detailed explanation, but it took person 1 a long time to get this background knowledge, and he cannot explain everything to person 2 in that short time frame. Thus, in the end person 2 still may not understand it and may even perceive person 1 as argumentative.
What to do?
Option 1: Person 1 disagrees and does it Person 1’s way. Person 2 feels resentment. The quality of the product is better, but their relationship is worse. (aka bad team work)
Option 2: Person 1 agrees and does it Person 2’s way. Person 2 feels happy. The quality of the product is worse, but their relationship is better. (aka good team work)
Which is the right choice? Option 1 or option 2? Is there a 3rd option?