Starting with my first ms-project:
I want to plan the production of our machines at work. I only know the time it takes to produce one part (example: reference #1 takes 20 seconds). Now, I can calculate how many days it will take to produce 55.000 parts and input that in "duration" (which will be ~12 days). Can I upadte the duration manually depending on production? Something like this:
Starting date: 1/1/2010 Total parts needed: 55.000 Cycle time: 20'' Initial estimated production time: 12 days Finish date: 12/1/2010.
- Delay of production due to mechanical problems -
Parts already produced after 3 days: 8000 (instead of ~12000)
Now, finish date should be moved one day because instead of 12.000 I have produced 8000.
I know I can do this using days, but the only information I have from machines is how many parts we have already produced.
Can I do the calculations in different cells and update duration accordingly?
What will happen if a resource had to be used on the 12-1-10 and instead, it's still not available due to the delay? Will it move it further?
Thank you very much and apologies for the noob questions.