I am a newbie to Project Management and I was not able, not yet at least, to attend a proper course and get a certification. Let's say I am learning on the "field". I am facing the managing of an EU project, which involves companies and universities, and Gantt chart is one of the many difficulties I am dealing with.
I will describe how am I approaching the problem so that you can hopefully tell me what I am doing wrong and how to fix it.
1- starting from the project idea, I discuss with all the partners to figure out who does what and how much money each partner need to complete the task complying with the overall project budget.
2- each partner is also supposed to tell me the amount of work they put in (persons month) in each task to complete it, which basically gives me two degrees of freedom (more workers on the WP (or task) ---> less duration of the WP (or task) and vice versa, right?
3- Once we have defined 1) and 2) I have to prepare a Gantt chart, and that's the rub!
How can I guess how to spread the WP, and then the tasks, duration within the whole project? Should my partners tell me that?
Now guessing I have the months on the x-axis of the chart, this is what I figured out:
Each university is basically looking to found a PhD/researcher position, this means one person "fully-employed" in the project. Then I should spread the months duration of the tasks in such a way that the researcher is fully employed each month, e.g. if one task require 10 person months it should last 10 months, is it right?
The partner companies can basically "book" hours, so they do not have to fulfill this requirement. Does it have to do with the way people?
Could you also suggest me any reference, books, articles and so on?