In my setting we have a jira board where me, the Software Lead, together with developers and product owner want to collaborate in planing and overseeing our work. One major challenge that we have is balancing between having a plan which we follow and tackling spontaneous tasks that we need to do which are not necessarily associated with epics.
Our current setup is to have Epics to bundle up large chunks of work. The epics are then split in to Technical Tasks, User Stories and Bugs. These are pretty straight forward. Investigate work, define work to be done, plan in the roadmap.
The situation that creates problems is however the spontaneous tasks. After a sprint meeting, we find things that need to be done. These do not go under any epic because they are not part of the epic original definition. Adding issues to the epics would mean the epic will keep growing and in the roadmap the product owner won't see progress done, all that he sees is that the epic keeps getting delayed in completion. For that reason anything that is not part of the original epic definition or that has no epic to which it can be associated, is created as a separate issue.
The issue with these is that, without an epic, the issues are not displayed in the roadmap and therefore unaccounted when planing. The issues can also span over several days of work sometime so the delay in the epics we where supposed to work on in the first place is affected significantly because of these.
How could I balance the two types of work process, planned vs spontaneous issues, in a way where I can show to the PO the impact that the spontaneous issues have on our original timeline?
Edit: by spontaneous issues I mean, bugs, smaller tasks that pop-up and need to be done such small improvement in our UI or in deployment pipeline. These things currently do not go under a specific epic since we use epics to describe big use cases of the application.