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9 votes

What can the team do to prevent stories from completing until the last day of the sprint?

Do stories generally get done by the end of the sprint? If so then leave things alone. Tracking the sprint burndown always feels to me like micro-management. The team are responsible for meeting the ...
nvogel's user avatar
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9 votes

Using burndown chart to estimate the completion date of a Scrum project

Theoretically, yes, you could use a burndown chart to estimate when all of the work in the Product Backlog would be completed. However, in practice and as you are seeing, it doesn't always work out. ...
Thomas Owens's user avatar
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6 votes

Why does the burndown chart include weekends and nights?

This question is worth hitting from a few angles: The Direct Answer First, to your question, I've never been in a team that found value in showing days on the burndown chart they weren't working. ...
Daniel's user avatar
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6 votes

Sprint Burndown chart and tasks estimation in time

If we were to display the chart by Remaining Story Points, it would've been a flat line until almost the end of the sprint. This is its own problem. It sounds like you are making insufficient use of ...
Sarov's user avatar
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5 votes

Sprint Burndown chart and tasks estimation in time

"If we were to display the chart by Remaining Story Points, it would've been a flat line until almost the end of the sprint." Not really a problem with story points burn-down. You just have a work in ...
Nathan's user avatar
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Burn Down Chart : What is the definition of work done in Scrum

What is the definition of work done in Scrum Work that satisfies the Definition of Done, which is defined by the Team. The problem with this is that work being closed on a daily basis is not shown ...
Sarov's user avatar
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5 votes

What can the team do to prevent stories from completing until the last day of the sprint?

You need to look at that is happening inside of your sprint. A few things that might provide insight include: How quickly are items moving into your sprint? If everything is moving into progress on ...
Daniel's user avatar
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5 votes

Using burndown chart to estimate the completion date of a Scrum project

If you already have the three points you mentioned above, you don't need a burndown chart to estimate the completion date of the project. When you divide total story points by the velocity, what you ...
Bogdan's user avatar
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4 votes

Opaque burndown charts and story validation

Honestly, I'm not sure I'm seeing the problem. The primary purpose of a Scrum burndown chart is to measure and predict velocity, is it not? In which case, while the chart might not be pretty if most ...
Sarov's user avatar
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4 votes

What can I constructively say when looking at the Sprint Burndown

TL;DR First of all, never "walk the board" or huddle around a chart for your daily stand-up. The meeting is for dependency coordination, not reporting or trend analysis. Staring at a burn-down doesn'...
Todd A. Jacobs's user avatar
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4 votes

Sprint Burndown chart and tasks estimation in time

TL;DR Changing your method of reporting will not actually address the underlying process issues implied by your original problem statement. Your old reporting process was actually the better one. You ...
Todd A. Jacobs's user avatar
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4 votes

Do we need to update time estimates when we estimate based on story points?

Do we need to update original/remaining time estimates when we estimate based on the story points? I'd say no. Filling time information will result in people looking at different metrics. It will ...
Mariyan's user avatar
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Tips for achieving ideal burn chart

The first thing to acknowledge is that the ideal line is ideal in the mathematical sense, not in the qualitative sense. In fact, if I ever saw a burndown that matched the ideal line, that would be a ...
Daniel's user avatar
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4 votes

What can the team do to prevent stories from completing until the last day of the sprint?

Seeing things like "Ready for UAT" and "UAT" in a workflow always raises a concern for me. UAT is almost always outside of the control of the development team, and often even ...
Thomas Owens's user avatar
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3 votes

How can I measure the effective team work per iteration?

But you are measuring the effective work per sprint just fine. If the team delivers development work but not QA for a few stories, along with some analysis, but nothing else, then the effective work ...
Erik's user avatar
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3 votes

Need help for sprint planning when tasks are not done in previous sprint

There are two answers to this: the scrum answer and the deeper answer to the questions under the surface. First, the scrum answer on carry-over work. At the end of a sprint, all items go back to the ...
Daniel's user avatar
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3 votes

Tracking Time Remaining with GitHub (ZenHub)

TL;DR A story point based burndown chart doesn't measure time remaining. It measures work-effort remaining, and you must use additional metrics to forecast your schedule based on current scope. ...
Todd A. Jacobs's user avatar
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3 votes

Do we need to update time estimates when we estimate based on story points?

Do we need to update original/remaining time estimates when we estimate based on the story points? In case if you don't use time estimates, why do you need to update these fields? Just don't use them....
Sergey Kudryavtsev's user avatar
3 votes

What can I constructively say when looking at the Sprint Burndown

All graphs of this type are, in my opinion, designed to assist you to plan and prioritize. These are not the kinds of activities that I think should occur during a normal daily standup; these are ...
MCW's user avatar
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3 votes

How to handle tasks from previous Sprint on current Sprint Burn down chart

TL:DR: Use the original estimate. It keeps your data consistent, holds the team accountable and reflects the actual nature of work in a Scrum setting. This answer is based on making a living as a ...
Joel Bancroft-Connors's user avatar
2 votes

Alternatives to Sprint Burndown, is it deprecated?

In two weeks Sprints my team currently uses a Sprint speed graph. Each day after the three questions, the team asks itself how on track they are against their Sprint goal. They have 4 options: Super:...
Niels van Reijmersdal's user avatar
2 votes

Alternatives to Sprint Burndown, is it deprecated?

There is nothing wrong with a Sprint Burndown. There is nothing wrong with any, team-based metrics. Just as there is nothing wrong with a car, so long as you use it as a car and not a can opener. ...
Joel Bancroft-Connors's user avatar
2 votes

Opaque burndown charts and story validation

Burndown charts are a useful way for teams to see whether or not they are making a steady progress towards completing the planned work in a sprint. Lots of Scrum teams recognise that there is value ...
Barnaby Golden's user avatar
2 votes

How to handle tasks from previous Sprint on current Sprint Burn down chart

I've tried both with my Team. The one we found to make more sense is to adjust the estimate. The whole idea of Agile is to update your plan based on new information. Updating your estimates to reflect ...
Sarov's user avatar
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2 votes

What can I constructively say when looking at the Sprint Burndown

You don't have to say constructive things about the burndown; it's just a factual display and you don't hurt its feelings by saying it's not looking so good today. Instead, you need to ask the team ...
Erik's user avatar
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2 votes

Tracking Time Remaining with GitHub (ZenHub)

I agree with everything Todd said, and want to add a few points: You note that Because any progress on the burn down chart is not indicated until we close the issue. This is by design. The idea ...
Sarov's user avatar
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2 votes

How to handle tasks from previous Sprint on current Sprint Burn down chart

TL;DR A Sprint burn-down chart tracks work remaining, not work completed. If you want to track work completed, use a burn-up chart instead. Inspect-and-Adapt Incomplete Work The fourth value of the ...
Todd A. Jacobs's user avatar
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2 votes

What can the team do to prevent stories from completing until the last day of the sprint?

Two options I see: A) Split your stories into smaller stories. B) Make your Sprints longer. If you're unable to get your stories done in a single Sprint, then either your stories need to be shorter (...
Sarov's user avatar
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2 votes

What can the team do to prevent stories from completing until the last day of the sprint?

From my experience, setting interim goal of individual user stories target date spread across the sprint duration helped. That would of course require each story to be well sized and individually ...
krishg's user avatar
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2 votes

Sprint burndown chart question

There are a few things to note here: Most teams treat sprint burndowns seperately from release burndowns Velocity is expected to change over time Scope changes (work added/removed) are to be expected ...
Barnaby Golden's user avatar

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