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Questions tagged [vsts]

Azure DevOps Services (formerly VSTS Visual Studio Team System), is an integrated development environment (IDE) developed as a software product by Microsoft Corp. to facilitate software project creation, development and management.

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Do you tag user stories with iteration path, their tasks or both when using Azure DevOps?

We're using Azure devops, "agile settings". We write the user stories in different ways (combination "As a user..", "Do this", "Adjust SinglanR...", etc. We have a functional team (FA) that write ...
sonstabo's user avatar
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2 answers

Azure Board (DevOps) Reports

I am looking for out of the box "Scrum" reports (velocity, burn-down, sprint report) that use story points, in the tool Azure Boards/DevOps (formerly known as VSTS). I played with "Analytics Views" ...
RandomlyOnside's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

Is there a way to search Project tags in Azure DevOps

We have an organization within Azure DevOps and many projects within. I have started to tag projects. I'd like to be able to search tags and list the projects that have that specific tag in the ...
Rob's user avatar
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Questions about moving from JIRA to VSTS Agile

We have a small team, and most of us are part-time. We have been managing the project using JIRA's simplified software template. We have started using Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS) for continuous ...
sheamus's user avatar
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See TFS Scrum Tools using only PBI and Bugs only?

I have recently joined a new software development company and they currently use TFS to create PBI's and Bugs and they do not include tasks. I want to be able to utilise the scrum tools available in ...
Bella's user avatar
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2 answers

What does the Risk field mean in a User Story?

My team is using VSTS with the Agile process. When creating a User Story, there is a Risk field with options High, Medium and Low. We've searched through both the Agile and Scrum processes VSTS ...
andre_ss6's user avatar
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In VSTS, get the hours logged by an individual for each day in the sprint

We moved to VSTS recently, I wonder if there any Widget or a query to get the hours logged by an individual for each day in the sprint.
varmabsrk's user avatar
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Remaining Work rollup issue

On Visual Studio Team System (VSTS), I understand that Remaining Work (Microsoft.VSTS.Scheduling.RemainingWork) should automatically roll up from tasks to PBIs (Product Backlog Items)/Bugs (of course ...
Tony's user avatar
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