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7 votes

What does "CHAOS" stand for in the CHAOS Report?

The Standish Group actually explains the acronym in their 2018 report. CHAOS - the Comprehensive Human Appraisal for Originating Software. Basically all about the human factor and how it influences ...
Dave's user avatar
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6 votes

Is Backlog a list of items or a status of those items?

It's a good question. From a Scrum point of view the product backlog and the sprint backlog together encompass all the things that are being done or that are on the list to be done in future. So the ...
nvogel's user avatar
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4 votes

What does "CHAOS" stand for in the CHAOS Report?

From Object Oriented Software Engineering (Schach p. 46) The term CHAOS is an acronym. For some unknown reason, The Standish Group keeps the acronym top secret. They state [Standish, 2003]: ...
Gillespie's user avatar
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3 votes

Is Backlog a list of items or a status of those items?

I think that having an answer to the question is more important than what the answer is. Decide on what you believe is the purpose of the backlog and make sure it is communicated widely. Work with it ...
Barnaby Golden's user avatar
3 votes

Is Backlog a list of items or a status of those items?

Disclaimer: The first time I read the question, I thought it'd have a straight answer. After reading it again, it may not be as straightforward as I originally thought (or maybe I'm overthinking). ...
Tiago Cardoso's user avatar
3 votes

Best practice to register additional tasks

The dev team can add small tasks needed to accomplish the Sprint Goal to the Sprint Backlog Here is what the Scrum Guide has to say on this topic: The Development Team modifies the Sprint Backlog ...
Ashok Ramachandran's user avatar
2 votes

Best practice to register additional tasks

I've never been fond of the 'all-in-one' approach. What if, a year later, that small change is found to somehow have major ramifications? You trace the code back to the Story and... it's clumped ...
Sarov's user avatar
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2 votes

Please advise on my experience for the final month of a project closing

A few possible approaches: Treat the final month as a single sprint. Do all the usual Scrum ceremonies. Adopt a Kanban approach and just try and workflow the remaining tasks as best you can.
Barnaby Golden's user avatar
2 votes

What is the evidence supporting the PMBOK practices?

In fact, the Project Management Institute has two monograph about the evidence associated to Project Management practices: Quantifying the Value of Project Management. The monographs shows that ...
marcmagransdeabril's user avatar
2 votes

What is the evidence supporting the PMBOK practices?

If you are trying to assess the scientific validity of the PMBoK, you will not get too far. The PMBoK is a body of knowledge and not even the complete body of knowledge. It is not prescriptive but ...
David Espina's user avatar
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2 votes

What are the alternatives to Project Management? Is it Operations Management?

The beauty of Project Management is that it could either be at the Top level or can be plugged-in to any other Management domain to streamline its process seamlessly. Retail management as you ...
Devasuran's user avatar
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2 votes

Should UAT estimation be more than QA's?

I find it weird. First to estimate it and then to compare it against other steps as if they had any relation. UAT should be done by the client. That is the "U" in "UAT". As such, ...
nvoigt's user avatar
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1 vote

Is Backlog a list of items or a status of those items?

I think you can define backlog as you see fit, based on how you organize and think about work as well as how you communicate work to your stakeholders. The definition you use needs to resonate. For me,...
David Espina's user avatar
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1 vote

Best practice to register additional tasks

Once the task is done according to its description, the task is done. If the description changes because the requirements weren't right... that's another task (it can be a subtask or a related/linked ...
A Bravo Dev's user avatar
1 vote

Best practice to register additional tasks

In general, you can reduce the occurrence of such late feedback by encouraging early and often review of material work-in-progress by using a live staging environment, e.g., an area where your PO can ...
Jon Luzader's user avatar
1 vote

What are the alternatives to Project Management? Is it Operations Management?

Generally the counterparts to Project Managers are 'Functional' Managers. 'Project' Managers deal with one-off, temporary projects, and generally cross functional lines. Sort of 'jack of all trades, ...
Trevor K. Nelson's user avatar

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