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52 votes

Task estimation for PMs who are not developers

If at all possible, they don't. They ask developers to estimate it. Estimates should always be made by the people who will perform the work being estimated. If this is not done, then you run the ...
Sarov's user avatar
  • 14.8k
10 votes

What are the benefits of queuing tasks as opposed to assigning them?

I will assume that the "push" approach is not only direct, but also immediate. (Like when someone comes up to you and says "hey, Joe, can we roll this later today?"). The "...
ArtemGr's user avatar
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10 votes

Task estimation for PMs who are not developers

Have Task Performers Provide Estimates In agile frameworks (and even in sensible non-agile frameworks), project managers should never estimate work items themselves. Instead, the people who will ...
Todd A. Jacobs's user avatar
  • 50.7k
9 votes

Who consumes estimates?

Estimates are a tool that supports planning. Anyone that needs to make decisions and build plans about the future can use estimates as a tool to make predictions and figure stuff out (without knowing ...
Bogdan's user avatar
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8 votes

Task estimation for PMs who are not developers

It is very rare that this is possible. But it can happen, so let's look at it: Any estimate is based off of statistical evidence from past experiences doing similar work. If the work we are doing is ...
Daniel's user avatar
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8 votes

Is tracking billable time for Scrum ceremonies in JIRA an anti-pattern?

The direct answer to your question is that how you bill your time to the client is not addressed in Scrum. Therefor there is no billing model that is expressly anti-scrum. If adding a place on the ...
Daniel's user avatar
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7 votes

Technical user stories or development related tasks

Creating user stories is to get the conversation going and to give the team context to understand the problem at hand to create the correct solution. Also it forces the writer to think about the value ...
Niels van Reijmersdal's user avatar
7 votes

How should a non-technical person define tasks for technicians?

Stories should always be defined in business terms. Why does there need to be web integration? Who is it for? What exactly does it need to accomplish? If it is not directly-related to a business ...
Sarov's user avatar
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7 votes

Scrum - What and when is the best process to task a user story card in this environment

I am assigned to an Epic expected to take 3 developers for 6 weeks. There are so very many things wrong with that statement, from a Scrum perspective. I'll go through them in order. I am assigned ...
Sarov's user avatar
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7 votes

Is tracking billable time for Scrum ceremonies in JIRA an anti-pattern?

Scrum works best if you have good product ownership, fixed-length iterations and a stable team. If the backlog is determined by the client and the team is stable then (barring leave and unexpected ...
nvogel's user avatar
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7 votes

How should large non-reducable tasks be handled in Scrum?

I'm not convinced that what you describe fits the notion of "large, non-reducible tasks". So far, I'm also not convinced that any piece of work is large or can't be reduced to something that ...
Thomas Owens's user avatar
  • 19.8k
6 votes

What is the weighting difference between Epic/Story/Task

Epics – Large projects that entail many people over a long time. Stories – Smaller projects within an Epic that must be completed before the Epic can be considered ‘Done’. Tasks – The day-to-day ...
Uğur KANTEKİN's user avatar
6 votes

How should a non-technical person define tasks for technicians?

TL;DR You should not be defining tasks for technical people. Instead, you should describe a value proposition and some testable acceptance criteria, and then turn your technical experts loose to find ...
Todd A. Jacobs's user avatar
  • 50.7k
6 votes

How to visualize and manage task dependencies?

TL;DR Respect the time box, and do "just-in-time planning." Don't do so much up-front decomposition, and rely instead on iterative delivery to provide you with an emergent design. Analysis From an ...
Todd A. Jacobs's user avatar
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6 votes

How to deal with a team that fails to complete a task?

There is a not a single answer to this questions. Its imperative to understand how a team should perform so that you can spot dysfunction and respond appropriately. You need to understand the ...
eAndy's user avatar
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6 votes

User Story breakdown - Technical Task + User Feature

Sprint Backlog Tasks Aren't Inherently User Stories You're conflating user stories and tasks. Product Backlog Items often start as user stories on the Product Backlog, but Scrum doesn't mandate the ...
Todd A. Jacobs's user avatar
  • 50.7k
6 votes

Does such physical-whiteboard-per-team management process exist in the literature?

Looks like something custom, possibly borrowed from, or resembling Kanban. Kanban has two main principles: visualize work limit work in progress Anything else falls into how you want to organize ...
Bogdan's user avatar
  • 15.4k
5 votes

How should we deal with interdependent tasks in Scrum?

I think the question you're asking points more to a problem with how you split your stories/tasks/work items/whatever, and how they're written. Rather than trying to solve the symptoms of this issue, ...
JDRoger's user avatar
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5 votes

What level of detail should I include in epics?

To me an Epic is a large User Story, every time a requirement comes to our team and it seems very large (e.g. > 13SP), we consider calling it an Epic instead of a Story. A good metric is: Does it ...
ppasler's user avatar
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5 votes

Is tracking billable time for Scrum ceremonies in JIRA an anti-pattern?

TL;DR Scrum is based on an empirical control methodology. While not directly stated in the Scrum Guide, it essentially posits a roughly-constant run rate for each Sprint, allowing predictable ...
Todd A. Jacobs's user avatar
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4 votes

How should we deal with interdependent tasks in Scrum?

TL;DR Your Scrum implementation suffers from a number of framework anti-patterns that are detailed below in the Analysis section. These process issues can generally be resolved through: Adhering to ...
Todd A. Jacobs's user avatar
  • 50.7k
4 votes

JIRA: how to have many Kanban boards for one project

What field are you entering the categories into? I would recommend using "component" (but using label or epic would also work) and then creating either quick filters or swimlanes for the 2 different ...
Melissa Fabina's user avatar
4 votes

Where should I keep track of open items from previous sprints?

I think you have the right place. ie the backlog. But only if you are actually going to do them and they should be at the TOP! If you aren't going to do them, I suggest a 'will not fix' or 'phase 2' ...
Ewan's user avatar
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4 votes

What level of detail should I include in epics?

What is going to change when you have a visual identity? How do you measure success? Delivering business goals, not just software features The ...
Niels van Reijmersdal's user avatar
4 votes

Can I break down a vertical story into horizontal tasks?

Short answer: the tasks are for the team to organize their work however they see best to do it. If that means dividing it up into front-end, middleware, and database, that's fine. This is actually a ...
Daniel's user avatar
  • 16.9k
4 votes

User Story breakdown - Technical Task + User Feature

Pay attention to the 'V' in the INVEST mneumonic. A PBI must deliver value to the stakeholders. Ask yourself: by itself, does the ability to parse country data from the XYZ feed provide any value ...
Sarov's user avatar
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4 votes

Small Projects: Asking the right questions

There is no standard list of questions, defined by PMI (or any other organization). You have your own industry, your own vertical, your own org and your own group. It's very specialized... Part 1, ...
richardlpalmer's user avatar
4 votes

Milestone behavior in MS Project

Milestones don't directly affect resource allocation. They are just another element in your schedule (tasks, summary tasks, and milestones). Milestones are scheduled the same way tasks are except they ...
Jason Grabowski's user avatar
4 votes

Is tracking billable time for Scrum ceremonies in JIRA an anti-pattern?

I'm confused. You say you bill hours to the client. By that I understand "hours of work". Scrum ceremonies are part of the work the team is doing. When you hold a daily standup for example, ...
Bogdan's user avatar
  • 15.4k
4 votes

JIRA how to better manage tasks without stories, and stories without tasks?

Unfortunately it seems like the exact problem you are having does not have an easy solution. The issue was reported back in 2012 on but the makers of ...
Melchior's user avatar

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