All the gantt tools I have tried make all tasks concurrent, until I specify start date or dependencies. I do not yet know the start date, and not all tasks have dependencies (well not enough to fully define the sequence). I specify the recourses but if just overloads them to n hundred percent (where n is number of tasks).
Am I missing something? How can I say do one thing (per recourse) at a time?
Additional notes: Currently trying Kplato, openproj and ganttproj (previously seen problem in MS-project)
Imagine this project: Make a sandwich.
Cut bread -> Butter bread ->
Cut cheese -> put cheese on bread ->
Cut tomato -> put tomato on bread ->
Put second slice of bread on top
Now this as a dependency graph is ok, there is no care as to weather you do cheese, tomato or bread buttering first, or whether the tomato is ready when you put the cheese on the bread, or weather you do tomato before cheese. So we don't want to specify any of this.
But when we add time, we can not (with one resource) do two things at once. We need it to be sequential, not to dictate the order (the dependency graph does that ), but to predict the end date.