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5 votes

What do you do if developer takes on a task that was intended for you and he can't finish it in time?

Your processes look broken. The Sprint is not meant to be a commitment the business can use to punish developers for not meeting. I fear this will reflect badly on me since I was intended to write ...
Sarov's user avatar
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4 votes

Employee hierarchy of a 20-people workshop

In order to know how to reach the place you want to be, you first need to know where you are now. Structure You don't necessarily need a hierarchy for people to work better. A 20 people company can ...
Bogdan's user avatar
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1 vote

How to visualize communication work?

CodeGnome's Law of Transparency says "No invisible work, ever!" You say that Different with others developers, QA don't have much Jira ticket under their names. To which I reply - why not? ...
Sarov's user avatar
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Why is Rowan plan used if it is not beneficial?

Your calculation is correct, but you're misinterpreting the result. Let's have a simple example: Standard hourly pay (R) is $1 Standard working time (S) is 10 hours. Actual time taken (T) is 8 ...
Christian Strempfer's user avatar
1 vote

What do you do if developer takes on a task that was intended for you and he can't finish it in time?

1) I don't believe he can do it in time (we got a 5 days sprint, two days left). If this is the case, just raise the issue with him. Tell him: "Jerry, if you work alone on this I think we will not ...
Alexandru Jieanu's user avatar
1 vote

How to handle project that (I think) not using any framework or has unclear workflow?

This might be too broad of a question to answer completely in a post like this. I'll encourage you to think about your situation and break it down into sub-problems. It sounds like there are at least ...
DPH's user avatar
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