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Stakeholder engagement v Business engagement

TL;DR I've been asked to put a proposal forward a business analyst that will create a "business engagement framework" as part of a (vague) RFQ (Request for [Q]uotation). You're tying ...
Todd A. Jacobs's user avatar
  • 50.7k
2 votes

Stakeholder engagement v Business engagement

TL;DR Don't get stuck on the wording. Consider the stakeholder engagement and business engagement as synonyms. Plan for stakeholder engagement - as business analysts do - and then the framework will ...
Bogdan's user avatar
  • 15.5k
2 votes

Stakeholder engagement v Business engagement

I think Occam's Razor applies here. I think it would be unwise to try to find a different meaning for "business engagement" than how we, in the consulting world, define stakeholder ...
David Espina's user avatar
  • 37.2k
2 votes

What's the difference between Enterprise Architecture and Programme Management?

There are similar, but not the same thing. In fact, they complement each other when the programmes are about improving the enterprise itself. Let's try to define them. Enterprise Architecture is about ...
Bogdan's user avatar
  • 15.5k
2 votes

Conversion from complexity estimation to actual costs

You need three values to forecast a cost: Speed of the team, estimate from the team and the cost of the team. Leading to a formula like this: FeatureStoryPoints * (TeamCost / AverageVelocity) = ...
Niels van Reijmersdal's user avatar
1 vote

What's the difference between Enterprise Architecture and Programme Management?

Using a Team Topologies analogy: Enterprise Architecture is observing how teams are (and will be) structured to maximise value delivered. Questions like "1 single Stream-Aligned team?" &...
Tiago Cardoso's user avatar
1 vote

How can I show the month for a Enterprise Custom Date Field in the Project Center for Grouping?

From Add or edit enterprise custom fields in Project Server: To add a field to the formula, click Pick field, point to a field type, and then click the name of the field that you want to reference. To ...
Rachel Hettinger's user avatar
1 vote

Enterprise Mobile-first multi-team-product organization

Lately the cases that I see are usually the other way around - building web (and mobile web) to catch up to the mobile apps :) But to answer your question - it is possible to have a scrum team of ...
Elena Vladimirova's user avatar

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