I have a Project Plan in MS Project, its a construction project which has repetitive tasks and multiple gangs. For example:
Building 1
- Strip
- Clean
- Paint
- Varnish
Building 2
- Strip
- Clean
- Paint
- Varnish
Building 3
- Strip
- Clean
- Paint
- Varnish
- Building 4
- Strip
- Clean
- Paint
- Varnish
Now I have 4 Paint Gangs (PG1, PG2, PG3 & PG4) currently I assign them in leapfrog order, so
- Building 1 = PG1
- Building 2 = PG2
- Building 3 = PG3
- Building 4 = PG4
- Building 5 = PG1 etc...
The problem is that should I wish to reduce the number of Paint Gangs to see if the project still finishes on time, currently I apply a filter to the task list to display only 'Paint' tasks I then highlight the resource column & predecessors column and delete them. I then select the resource column next to each building's paint task and select the paint gang that's next in the order PG1,PG2,PG3,PG4,PG1,PG2,PG3,PG4 but obviously this takes a lot of time and then linking them back up.
Is there an easier way to do this?