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11 votes

Is it OK to defer implementation detail and consider user story to be done?

I would say no. As you note, user stories should be vertical slices. Another way of looking at that is that they should, by themselves, provide value. You should only burn down stories once those ...
Sarov's user avatar
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9 votes

Is QA stage mandatory to be included into user story cycle?

The direct answer for almost all teams is that QA must be complete to call a user story done. I would take that further and say that I have never worked with a team where this was not true. The More ...
Daniel's user avatar
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6 votes

How to address the "definition of done" in Scrum?

The traditional Scrum solution would be to ask the team. Since the Scrum Team is self-organizing, much of the specific methods to do things should be left up to the team, with the Scrum Master ...
Thomas Owens's user avatar
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6 votes

Is the “definition of done” required in Scrum?

TL;DR Yes, the official Scrum framework requires a Definition of Done. You cannot claim to be using the official Scrum framework without defining and using one. Framework Sources The Scrum Guide is ...
Todd A. Jacobs's user avatar
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6 votes

Meeting format for defining our definition of done

One of the approaches I've used in the past that works pretty well, especially with multiple teams: Set up a flip chart for each team and put a dotted line about 1/3 of the way up (so the top section ...
Daniel's user avatar
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6 votes

Is "Replicate X visual feature from Y app" a valid acceptance criterion

The concept is valid, which is to seek a result based on a reference. But of course it needs to be broken down into measurable points. For example: the acceptance test will be like: Achieve the ...
Yassmeen's user avatar
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5 votes

Can the Definition of Done be overriden or changed?

TL;DR The Definition of Done (DoD) is a living document that supports collaboration. As such, it’s primarily a communications tool that provides process transparency. A good Definition of Done ...
Todd A. Jacobs's user avatar
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5 votes

Can the Definition of Done be overriden or changed?

The direct answer to your question is that yes, on very rare occasion, there may be something about a story or the acceptance criteria that causes the Scrum team to override some aspect of the ...
Daniel's user avatar
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5 votes

Is a Product Owner's approval part of DoD?

The Definition of Done is under the Scrum Team's control, either being derived from an organizational standard or created by the Scrum Team for the product being developed. If the Definition of Done ...
Thomas Owens's user avatar
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4 votes

What UAT checklists should I give the testing team?

I agree with @CodeGnome but not just with Agile. No matter the method, the product, or even the domain, UAT needs to belong to the users, in scope, conduct, and outcome. The client side needs to ...
David Espina's user avatar
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4 votes

What to do about unachievable criteria in the Definition of Done?

In Scrum, the Definition of Done exists on two primary levels - the Product Backlog Item and the Increment. If you cannot satisfy the Definition of Done for a given Product Backlog Item or Increment, ...
Thomas Owens's user avatar
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4 votes

How to write DOD (definition of done) or definition of ready for ML tasks?

What a "Definition of Done" Should Accomplish Ideally, a good Definition of Done has three related goals: Encapsulate the baseline criteria and routine activities required for each ...
Todd A. Jacobs's user avatar
  • 50.7k
3 votes

Is QA stage mandatory to be included into user story cycle?

A story is not "done" till it meets its functionality and is tested for completely.That means you need to bring in QA within your sprint and not as a separate stage. That includes functional in-sprint ...
Akshara's user avatar
  • 41
3 votes

Is it OK to defer implementation detail and consider user story to be done?

Great question. It all really boils down to answering one critical question: will the minimal amount of work identified in this card still provide value? This question should be answered by the ...
dom_michalec's user avatar
3 votes

How to address the "definition of done" in Scrum?

Something I would add to support the other answers here is that it may be the case that the Definition of "Done" (DoD) is not wholly 'owned' by the Scrum Team: When a Product Backlog item or an ...
onedaywhen's user avatar
3 votes

Is system 'logging' captured in user stories or are they part of implementation detail?

I would not expect it to be captured in the story. I would expect logging standards to be required by the definition of done or, if there was some one-off logging need, I'd expect it to come up in the ...
Daniel's user avatar
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3 votes

Should there be testing-only user stories?

Alright, please don't shoot me but I'll argue against what most people recommend here, and that is to split certain test activities into their own stories. Just to be clear, with test activities I am ...
Christoph's user avatar
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3 votes

What UAT checklists should I give the testing team?

UAT Checklists Should Come From Users or Their Proxies What checklists should I give the team? From an agile perspective, you should not be giving the team a user acceptance testing (UAT) ...
Todd A. Jacobs's user avatar
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3 votes

Meeting format for defining our definition of done

Build it incrementally. Agile isn't just about completing work incrementally; your process itself should evolve as you learn more about yourselves and the business. So, don't stress too much about ...
Sarov's user avatar
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2 votes

How to add Definition of Done (DoD) in TFS 2015 Scrum methodology?

Let me preface this by saying I've never used TFS, but the functionality that you're describing seems logical to me based on what a Definition of Done is. A Definition of Done is something that ...
Thomas Owens's user avatar
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2 votes

Stories added after commitment

Your question is actually quite broad and touches upon a number is issues but the good thing is its all related to backlog items in one way or another. I'm trying to understand the following ...
Muhammad's user avatar
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2 votes

Is it OK to defer implementation detail and consider user story to be done?

Perhaps I'm being "contrarian" when I suggest that a (true ...) "user story" ought not be expected to contain any implementation detail at all. (After all, "your 'user' has no idea at all 'how your ...
Mike Robinson's user avatar
2 votes

How to organize effective iteration demo in outsource project?

On our project, we hold virtual demos for clients at the end of releases all the time. We have a pretty standardized format for this, that usually works pretty well. First of all, you want to make ...
JBiggs's user avatar
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2 votes

How to address the "definition of done" in Scrum?

First I agree with what others are saying about the team setting the defintion of done. You need to get that buy-in and shared understanding if you are going to be successful in implementing DOD. ...
discoStew's user avatar
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2 votes

What to do about unachievable criteria in the Definition of Done?

It is obviously impractical that I say "halt everything and fix these", as we still have other things that need to be developed and delivered. It is not unusual for teams that are new to Scrum and ...
Barnaby Golden's user avatar
2 votes

Definition of Ready and Done in a Waterfall-Scrum Process (Global Definition as Solution?)

Without understanding fully, I don't think we can suggest the best approach. With that in mind, here is my approach based on the information given. 1) Remove the concept of 1 week development, 1 ...
jitendragarg's user avatar
2 votes

What to do about unachievable criteria in the Definition of Done?

The Definition of Done is not something that you write once and then it is set in stone. Rather it should be a living document that you and the team review once in a while to see it it needs an update....
Bart van Ingen Schenau's user avatar
2 votes

Is a Product Owner's approval part of DoD?

TL;DR To be considered a part of an increment a Product Backlog Item (BPI) must: respect the DoD; respect any additional specific acceptance criteria it may have; be accepted by the PO. More details ...
Bogdan's user avatar
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1 vote

What to do about unachievable criteria in the Definition of Done?

In order for something to be deployed in production and actually be used, it has to be "Done". If you wrote the code but nobody bothered to test it, then it's probably not "Done". If you wrote the ...
Bogdan's user avatar
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1 vote

Definition of Ready and Done in a Waterfall-Scrum Process (Global Definition as Solution?)

If you can make this work for your teams then that is fine. I would caution that a global definition of done has several drawbacks, including: Getting consensus over several teams is challenging. If ...
Barnaby Golden's user avatar

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