Linked Questions

18 votes
4 answers

How to deal with hotfixes keeping the scrum methodology

My team works with scrum methodology. However, during some sprints we have hotfixes that have to be developed as soon as possible, so we treat them in the current sprint, and consequently we have an ...
Alex Blasco's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

What is the specific Custom Fields Formula using (GREEN, YELLOW and RED) indicators for Task Start and Finish Dates?

What is the specific Custom Fields Formula using (GREEN, YELLOW and RED) indicators for Task Start and End Dates as follows in MS Project? 1 Task Start Date is within 5 or more of the Task Start Date ...
jgoodm03's user avatar
26 votes
1 answer

What is a “battery”?

I was very surprised to read, in this question, the mention of “batteries” as a PM tool, seemingly linked to Scrum. The OP talks about an article about their use, but none of my desperate Googling ...
MattiSG's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

Ticket must be worked immediately, and definitely won't make it to Done by end of sprint

It's the second to last day of sprint. Something comes in from the field that is critical. It will take approximately 2 days to complete. It will not be complete by end of sprint. Other items that are ...
Mark Saluta's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Who decides if something should NOT be injected into a Sprint?

On some teams, I've seen it be a combination of operations and Product Management stating that either new/missed requirements came in, or bugs are severe enough to warrant injection. The Scrum Team ...
Mark Saluta's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How can I manage both user stories and other non-backlog tasks if using VersionOne?

We are taking our first steps in agile and Scrum. We use VersionOne for managing our user stories and tasks. As the development manager, I am trying to build a sprint plan for the development team. ...
TaskTracker's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How do you plan for Production Support in velocity-based sprint planning

In capacity-based sprint planning, a calculation can be performed in order to build in production support hours by having one developer's capacity minimized. How would a team plan for production ...
Mark Saluta's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

Sprint Bouncer role

Our engineering team uses agile scrum and we are finally growing enough to be able to delegate more scrum roles to more members, including to some of the engineers like myself. One role we're ...
Matt Walther's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

How should we capture "non-implementation" work?

Currently we don't capture non-implementation stories and treat any research, analysis, release, and support work as team overhead. This makes it very difficult to predict team velocity. What is the ...
FaheemSC's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Planning a release around the Apple's AppStore in mind

I am currently working for a company that has adopted scrum and we are trying to figure a rule for how to account for tech support, bug fixing and the unknowns of the Apple appstore within our sprints....
Tom Berry's user avatar